
Doctors for Newborns in Dexter, MI

With the birth of your newborn comes an amazing new world. After nine long months of anticipation, visits to your obstetrician and/or midwife, careful nutrition, including prenatal vitamins, taking extra good care of yourself, and redefining your life, it’s time for Baby!

Congratulations on your newborn!

We accept newborns from established families and new families alike into our practice. Hospital-born infants are seen the day following discharge for a newborn exam. Homeborn infants are seen in the first week of life, preferably by day 3. The newborn exam is required by our practice. During this first visit, we will examine your baby and answer your questions. Some common topics that we will discuss include feeding, vaccinations, and general questions about newborn care.

Perhaps your most important decision is how you are going to feed your baby. There are many benefits of breastfeeding, and it is strongly encouraged by the American Academy of Pediatrics for the first year of life. However, formula feeding is a healthy alternative for your baby.

Breast Feeding

Newborn Baby Doctor DexterThe benefits of breastfeeding include superior nutrition and prevention of infection. Other possible benefits are increased intelligence and decreased allergies. Exclusive breast feeding is recommended for the first six months of life, continuing with partial breast feeding until at least one year of age.

We offer these guidelines for establishing breast feeding:
1. Breastfeed within the first hour after delivery.
2. Breastfeed on demand, or about every 2 hours for 10 to 20 minutes (even at night). More frequent and longer feedings are fine and will help with the milk supply.
3. Only give your baby breast milk, unless formula is medically indicated.
4. While in the hospital, keep your baby with you at all times and all night long, unless it is medically necessary for your baby to be in the nursery.

Formula Feeding

There are many formulas on the market, making the decision of which one to choose difficult. Powdered formulas are the least expensive. Always mix them according to the package instructions. We suggest that you start with a cow’s milk protein-based formula with iron. Newborns usually require 1 to 2 ounces every 2 to 3 hours for the first week of life.